"Hard-Core Collector"- 2446, 10S (Please do not ask me to interpret these numbers.) "Music Lover"- Rimsky-Korsakoff, Scheherazade, Fritz Reiner, Chicago Symphony Orchestra etc Here is just one "Example" of how these two groups describe one famous record:

This is particularly true if they are only with their fellow "collectors". They will almost always name only the record number. That is not true of serious "record collectors". In contast, when a music lover, or any ordinary person, wants to describe a particular recording, they will name the composer, performer(s) etc. It is their unique language and manner of describing records. Serious music lovers are fortunate that serious "record collectors" have a "habit" which will inevitably disclose their true priorities and deepest desires *. How to tell a Hard-Core "Record Collector" from a "Music Lover" And, most importantly to them, their personal and business financial investments. I will tread on the biases, egos, reputations, credibility of a good number of record collectors, dealers and audiophiles, some of them "famous". Much of what you are about to read will be very controversial in some circles, though it shouldn't be. For those of you who know little about the sonics of Classical Music LPs and/or still have an "open mind", I will give you the results of countless hours of listening to, and making comparisons of, all types of LPs on various "state of the art" phono reproduction systems. While I will rarely comment on matters of musical taste, the performance etc., I do have a great deal of experience concerning the sonics of many well known labels and their different pressings. Each LP on the list has a short description of its sonic qualities (with the exception of "The Honorable Mentions"). Most of them are not expensive, if you can find them! I also mention and discuss a number of overrated and expensive records to avoid. This is an extensive listing of the finest sounding records I've ever heard, primarily (though not exclusively) of classical music.

This website also includes another huge section with the title: The Supreme Recordings. Specific LP recommendations are detailed in an extensive list discussed below. The information, experiences and advice you will read here are generalizations only. This essay is concerned with purchasing LPs, new and used, of Classical Music and will focus on record labels, pressings etc. I don't enjoy CDs as much, and I lack the required experience with them to make a worthwhile contribution to what has already been written. This is the one essay within this website dedicated to musical software - LPs only.